Tamarind Leaf Effectively Medicate Measles

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection. This disease has symptoms that include fever, cough, and a rash on the skin. Usually measles in children. It is difficult to avoid because the child's immune system is weaker than adults. The cause of this disease is a virus or the measles-mikrovirus.

Tamarind Leaf Effectively Medicate Measles

Transmission of the disease occurs through saliva splashes from the nose, mouth, and throat with measles. Transmission of the infection occurs due to inhalation of spray saliva with measles. Patients can transmit the infection within 2-4 days before onset of rash and 4 days after the rash there.

One of the effective herbs that cure measles is tamarind leaf. The leaf contain acid-rich chemical compound properties such as saponins, flavonoids, and tannins. Here's how to mix herbs to treat measles


  • 1 handful acid leaf.
  • 5 finger turmeric
  • Palm sugar
  • 300 cc of water

How to make Potions

  1. Wash and cut up all the ingredients.
  2. Mash tamarind leaf and turmeric.
  3. Boil the ingredients that have been mashed with 300 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc of water.
  4. Once cool, then strain.
  5. Add palm sugar.
  6. Serve this herb in 1 cup for a drink.
  7. Drink this mixture 3 times a day on a regular.
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