Benefits and how to Plant Betel Cultivation

Benefits and how to Plant Betel Cultivation
Benefits and how to Plant Betel Cultivation - Plant Betel (Piper betle) or other designations such as Sireh, Send, Currently very widely known and popular as many plants that have medicinal properties and has benefits on health. And betel leaves have been used since the days of our ancestors, both of foregoing as medicine or for eat daily routine

These plants grow tall, climbing 5-15 m, round-shaped leaves strands of egg. The flowers form green at the tips of branches, length 2.5-6 cm-grain, seeds form a circle.

There are 4 kinds of betel, betel leaf that is dark green with a spicy taste of stimulating, betel leaf, betel-foot yellow Dove, yellow leaves with red leaves, betel leaves and black planted specifically for the drug.

The betel leaves are spread in Indonesia in a scale that is not too broad, growing at altitudes of up to 300 m above sea level. It grows wild in the teak forest and the Rainforest.


  • Reproduction of plants using tendrils. Turus has taken from tendril at the tip top of 40-50 cm. For its growth, requires the backrest a live tree, such Erythrina Variegata, kapok, kelor, waru or gamal.
  • Trees planted on the pitch before the rainy season to plant betel leaves, with a distance of 1.5 m. Every two lines made gutters or ditches to drain the water because of betel is not resistant to soil that is too wet. The gutter is used also to irrigate the betel leaves in the dry season. When the backrest is already well rooted, at the beginning of the rainy season made the hole around the backrest.
  • Turus planted along the two books and the rest was fastened on backrest. Another way is by cutting the vine grown long on his roots, the leaves are removed and then swirl divided 3 or 4 pieces and planted horizontally. After three, fairly rooted turus tendrils are allowed to grow and thanks above.
  • Good maintenance of betel causes will last for many years to still provide good results. From the armpit of leaves will grow branches and twigs hanging, the part that is harvested.
  • When plants have been exposed to sunlight, the color will change to greenish yellow and when chewed feels more spicy.
  • Betel-growing available shade, the leaves are shaped like a long, limp, the fresh green, and not so spicy. In addition to sunlight, kinds of fertilizers also affects the taste of the leaves. It is recommended to use chicken manure fertilizer, which is cool and the resulting yellow leaves. If used fertilizer dirt horse, cow, or ox, old yellow the leaves.
  • When the plant was one year old, it can be harvested, the highest production start will be retrieved when the betel has reached the end of the backrest. The harvested leaves are derived from tendrils that hang as much as 3 or 4 sections. Harvesting is done in the morning, when the leaves are still fresh.
  • Tendrils that have been harvested and packed in knotted basket or by picking the leaves off the stalks then every 25 sheets tied into one. Other area to be shipped, wrapped with lettuce leaves or stem of banana leaf.

Efficacy Of Betel Leaf

  • Acne remedy: mashed 10 sheet betel leaves until smooth, made with two glasses of hot water. Once cool, use the steeping water to wash your face. Do 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Treat diarrhea: 6 sheet betel leaf, 6 seeds of pepper, 1 tbsp of coconut oil. Mash all ingredients until smooth, use as a liniment on the abdomen.
  • Reduce the water excess BREAST MILK: take a betel leaf to taste, then lightly grease with coconut oil, heat above the fire until wilted, warm-warm paste forms a swollen breast.
  • Cope with red eyes and itching: boil 6 sheet betel leaves used 1 glass of water to boil. After a cold stew, use water to wash the eyes. Do 3 times a day until your eyes heal.
  • Treating bleeding in the nose wrinkle care: 1/sheet betel leaves are crushed, rather young rolls while pressed until oil comes out. Use to clog up the nose.
  • As a cough medicine: boil 15 pieces of betel leaves with three glasses of water to remaining ¾ water. Drinking water the stew by adding a scoop of honey. Do until the cough is gone.
  • As a remedy bronchitis: betel leaves as many as 7 sheet, sugar cubes one piece of boiled with 2 glasses of water to remaining one glass. Drink 1/3 cup with rules 3 x a day.
  • The drug Burns: juicing the betel leaf to taste, add a little honey, then DAB on the part of the body skin wound due to a fire.
  • Eliminate body odor: boil 5 pieces of betel leaf with water until it becomes glass 2 1 glass, drinking regularly every day.
  • Treating boils: wash the betel leaf to taste, minced until smooth, then DAB on to boil and its surroundings. Then bandaged. Do 2 x a day.
  • Eliminating less hearty, aromatic in the mouth: 4 pieces of betel leaf, water heat, wait for about 1 hour. Use as a gargle.
  • Treat thrush: 2 sheets of fresh betel leaves, washed, and then Chew until mouth creamed by an

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