9 Natural Recipes Ancestor To Treat Poisoning

Do you often eat at a famous restaurant? It's just not necessarily guarantee that the habit is your consumption of food safety and hygiene, poor food hygiene can also cause poisoning, for example, the food may have been stored for too long so that the approaching expiration, of course, these conditions can lead to the poisoning to use it:

The good news as reported from Boldsky, there are some recipes and natural remedies that have been passed down through generations that you can use if you experience mild poisoning.


Mixing lemon into hot tea can help kill the bad bacteria present in the food consumed, provide at any time a lemon in your fridge.


Ginger contains a natural antibiotic that is very good for your digestive health, easy way, namely by mixing ginger slices in the steeping, or shredded and then mixed into the food.


Due to the cooling effect of anti-infective and contained in the basil plant is very good to improve and maintain digestive health, put basil leaves in your cooking menu or can also be vegetables.


Peppermint has a stomach infection and drug effects may help treat digestive health as a result of bad bacteria contamination of food consumed, the way can be made or the juice.

Brown sugar

Good brown sugar to override the infection of food poisoning, and also can restore emergi when suffering from diarrhea and vomiting.


Pomegranate is widely used for generations to treat diarrhea due to consumption of unhygienic food and contaminated with bacteria that cause abdominal pain.


Creamy yogurt is the best antiseptic for stomach bacteria are attacked by the body's unfavorable. Digestion can become healthier by increasing the good bacteria that is obtained when eating yogurt.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has properties help neutralize and remove toxins from the body, as well as treat infections due to contaminated with bad bacteria, vitamin E content of aloe vera is also relatively high.

Apple cider vinegar

Interestingly though apple vinegar is acidic, it safe for consumption ulcer disease, and if apple cider vinegar is brewed with hot water will mmembatu menyebuhkan digestive problems, including ulcers and gastrointestinal infections. feksi stomach.

Ideally, all meals as mentioned above must be available in your home, so that when you or a family member suffered poison from foods can be neutralized immediately with food that has been available previously.
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