Tonsil Disease Herbal Recipes Exterminator

Tonsil Disease Herbal Recipes Exterminator  - Thyroid disease in medical terms is called the sitilah tonsils, two lymph nodes on the back of the mouth, near the throat. Tonsils have a function as the immune system cells that produce antibodies that have a function as a bastion of viruses or bacteria that enter through the nasal cavity and mouth.

Tonsil Disease Herbal Recipes Exterminator

Some causes of thyroid disease among them, the first factor of the food. Foods that contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings, and chemical dyes are a major cause of this disease. Second, a lack of vitamin C. In a day mengomsumsi body requires a minimum of 500 milligrams of vitamin C and must be balanced with other nutritional needs. Fourth, the frequent mengomsumsi spicy foods and lack of drinking water, and lack of awareness of the importance of food hygiene.

Herbs that can be used to treat this disease include lemon, noni, and turmeric. Noni it contains various minerals, vitamins, enzymes, cofactors, alkaloids, and plant sterols occur naturally. Roots and noni leaf contains amino acids intact and is a major source of protein. The following recipe good herbal concoction to overcome the tonsils.


  • 2 ripe noni fruit.
  • 20 grams of turmeric.
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice.
  • 1 tbsp honey

How To Dispensing Potion

  1. Peel, cut into pieces, and wash the whole material.
  2. Add water as needed.
  3. Blend until smooth.
  4. Add lime juice and honey.
  5. Stir until evenly distributed.
  6. Use the mixture to rinse the mouth, then swallowed.
  7. This recipe is served in 1 cup for a drink.
  8. Drink this mixture regularly and continuously every 3 days.
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