Betel leaves and Citrus Fruits Good To Eliminate Body Odor

Betel leaves and Citrus Fruits Good To Eliminate Body Odor - Body odor is usually started one feels when hit puberty (adolescence), some people think that body odor begins with sweat in the body as a result of burning out, but wait a minute - actually the main cause of odor weight is bacteria. Perspiration in the body comes from the apocrine glands are two glands (apocrine) glands and accrine (eccrine). Eccrine glands are glands located on the back, hands and forehead are in a normal state. But, you know why this area is rarely smell? This area is an area where it was dry enough so that does not cause odor when you sweat. Meanwhile, apocrine glands are glands that no place is damp and hair growth such as in the armpits and genitals.

Body odor problem will be intensified when one Yag excessive sweat in the armpits. The more keringa produced, the more the bacteria in the area. In addition, the aerah underarm hygiene should always be considered carefully. Because, if we do not maintain the cleanliness of the armpit, it can easily be quickly attacked by germs and bacteria that cause body odor.

Traditional Medicinal Plants which effectively eliminates body odor is orange with coupled with betel leaf. Citrus fruits contain many phytochemicals, hesperetin, and narigeni. Besides, it also contains flavonoids and antitioksidan such as alpha and beta-carotene, zea-xanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, and lutein.

Here's the recipe mixing traditional ingredients from medicinal plants to help eliminate body odor that stung.


  • Taste of betel leaves. 
  • 1 orange

How to make a potion: 

  1. Wash the orange that has been provided, then squeeze and take the water from the juice. 
  2. Mix the juice of the betel leaves with the lemon juice. 
  3. Rub on the armpits every shower and before bed. 
  4. This herb is made for one-time use.
  5. Perform routine 2 times per day ie after every shower and when you are going to sleep.
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