This Is The Best Efficacy Galingale

Kaempferia galanga is a plant that is not shaped stem, branched Rhizome, thrust, sometimes berumbi. Each leafy plant 1-3 strands, jorong-shaped leaves. The flowers are white. There are two types of galingale, namely broad-leaved lay above ground and narrow-leaved somewhat upright. The plants can be planted in the ni low and high plains. Thrives in loose soil with a bit of shade.

This Is The Best Efficacy Galingale

Some of the benefits of Kaempferia galanga and uses you need to know


Efficacy of urinary stone treat to kaempferia galanga

  • Kaempferia Galanga has prepared two Rhizome, wash to clean
  • Crushed by way of the shredded Mix with 1 cup of warm water
  • Stir-stir until blended, then filter the water grab
  • Add a little salt
  • Drink the concoction until it runs out.
  • Do the maintenance one time a day

Efficacy for treating stomach heartburn galingale

  • Take one Rhizome Kaempferia Galanga
  • Wash to clean
  • Kencur grated we have such clear
  • Add two tablespoons of cooking water and a pinch of salt
  • Take the water filter
  • The herb water
  • Do the treatment 2-3 times a day

Kaempferia galanga obati efficacy for sprains

  • Prepare one Rhizome Kaempferia Galanga
  • Clean
  • Mix the rhizome kencur kesegenggam the rice soaked water
  • Mash until smooth both the herb
  • Balurkan or apply on a body part that sprain

Kaempferia galanga obati efficacy for diarrheal diseases

  • Kaempferia Galanga has prepared two Rhizome
  • Two cloves shallots
  • Mash until smooth both the herb
  • The second herb wrap we have mashed it with banana leaves
  • Burn a few moments (do not overcook, just warm)
  • DAB the inner stomach decoction

Galingale efficacy to treat inflammation of the stomach

  • 2 Galanga Kaempferia Rhizome of thumb shelled until clean and chewed. In ampasnya waters, thrash in the exhaust, then drink 1 glass of white water and repeated until fully recovered.
  • Efficacy for treating influenza galingale
  • Kaempferia Galanga Rhizome of 1 thumb and 2 sheets leaf cube, pounded fine and then plus a few spoons of warm water, and then smeared around the nose.

The benefits of kaempferia galanga to enter the wind

  • Kaempferia Galanga Rhizome of 1 thumb in wash clean, then eat it with salt to taste, then drink 1 glass of water. You can do 2 times a day.

Efficacy galingale to treat headaches

  • 2-4 leaves Kaempferia Galanga in finely mashed, then smeared (compressed/pilis) on the forehead.

Galingale efficacy for treating cough

  • 2 Galanga Kaempferia Rhizome of the thumb in the grate and then plus 1 cup warm water, squeezed and filtered. In the drink with added salt to taste. Or a Rhizome Kaempferia Galanga 1 of thumb skinned then chewed directly. The water swallowed up ampasnya and dumped. Do each morning on a regular basis. Hopefully this information is useful to you, and be Your health problem solutions

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